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Build a Village

Tearfund’s partners understand their local communities, working at the grass roots to support people to reach their God-given potential. They look at the big picture – working together with communities on a range of activities to address poverty.

Our new “Build a Village” range tells this story of holistic development, and how the pieces of a project come together to bring about overall community transformation.

By purchasing from our Build a Village range you’ll receive a little reminder of your donation – a small building for you to make at home, church or school (and a postcard). Decorate them, set them up and share them with friends and family.

You can buy them individually, or as a complete set.*

* Build a Village mat only available with complete kit.

Gifts that share Relentless Love

Conflict cuts the future short, but acts of love restore:

A vaccinated child means a future of health.

Girls going to school means leaders of tomorrow.

Planting seeds means a harvest, food and a family income.

Restored relationships mean safer communities.

With the support of Tearfund’s partners, families facing ongoing conflict and poverty can access the care they need for today, and the hope they long for for tomorrow.

Your purchase of a Useful Gift is an expression of God’s love for people facing the devastating impacts of conflict and poverty.

All Useful Gifts are tax-deductible.

Gifts which Build a Future of Hope

The challenges our world faces – like extreme poverty, conflict and climate change – can sometimes seem overwhelming. But in this difficult season, our partners are walking alongside people in vulnerable communities, planting seeds of hope where there is despair, shining a light into places of darkness, unlocking new opportunities, and empowering communities to overcome injustice and build a brighter future.

Ruby is part of the student-led Green Club at her school in Zambia, which is facilitated by Tearfund’s partner Reformed Open Community Schools (ROCS). Members are leading cross-generational approaches to build resilience to the impacts of a changing climate. They’ve planted trees all around the school grounds. They water and care for them, and share with fellow students about the importance of caring for the land, and growing and eating a diverse range of plants. Ruby knows that it will take time for the trees to grow and bring benefits to the school community, but it’s an investment she’s making for the sake of future students.

Gifts which support Community

These gifts help to improve the lives of people impacted by poverty and marginalisation through a range of development activities and programs that will make a difference for generations to come.

Tearfund supports work that draws people together and creates opportunities for them to drive their own change. These projects are designed to build on existing strengths and resources to solve community problems. We see communities as visionaries of their own development, and work with our partners to focus on root causes of poverty rather than superficial challenges.

“My visual impairment has not stopped me,” says Victor, who is part of farmers’ and savings groups in his village in South Sudan. This father of nine lost his sight 10 years ago due to illness. Soon after, he connected with Tearfund’s partner Sudan Evangelical Mission, which was active in his village. Its staff helped him to believe that “disability is not inability”, and supported him in learning to use a cane and manage the tasks of daily living.

Today, Victor is still an active farmer, participating in all of the activities of his farmers’ group, and in the life of his community.

“I may not have vision, but I have my mind,” says Victor. He and his wife have used money from the savings group to help meet their children’s school costs and to start a poultry-raising business, which has continued to grow. And his wife is running her own small shop selling cooking oil, onions and small household items.

Gifts which support Education

Give a child or adult the gift of an education. By buying these gifts, you are contributing to education projects run by Tearfund’s partners that give the gift of a brighter, more empowered future. Projects could support pre-school and primary aged children, or adults who didn’t get the opportunity for an education when they were younger, and want to learn the valuable skills of reading, writing and numeracy. Other elements like school packs, teacher training and community engagement are often part of education projects.

In Sindh province in rural Pakistan, Tearfund’s partner the Diocese of Hyderabad runs literacy classes for adults, and trains local people like Aman (pictured), who is in secondary school and helps her mother run female adult literacy classes in their village.

Another woman, Tulsi, says that running adult literacy classes has given her a new perspective. “Educating these ladies has given me confidence to share my opinion with the people in the village.”

“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.” Mark 9:37

Gifts which support First Peoples of Australia

Give a gift that supports community development initiatives led by and in partnership with First Peoples of Australia.

Tearfund Australia has a vision for reconciliation, for a more just and compassionate world for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to achieve their God-given potential. Tearfund provides a platform for the voices of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners to be heard by the wider Australian community, and we mobilise Australian Christians to work towards a more just and equitable society.

Your gift to Tearfund’s work with the First Peoples of Australia contributes to:

  • Supporting development work in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • Community health and youth projects that respond to the needs of First Peoples’ communities
  • Supporting all Australian Christians to work towards reconciliation between First Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.

Artwork by Chris de Hoog, an artist with Indigenous heritage from Tasmania.

Gifts which support Food & Livelihoods

By buying these gifts, you’ll support Tearfund’s partners to provide people with the opportunity to access good food to feed their families, and potentially create a small business. It may be a vegetable garden kit, livestock like cows, goats or chickens, or training to help farmers make the most of their crops.

Luke (pictured) participated in agricultural training with Tearfund’s partner Ola Fou in the Solomon Islands.

“With the agricultural training, I have seen the benefits already,” he says. “I have planted crops: some are for my family, others I sell at the market, bringing income to the family. I’ve also learned how to make use of readily available materials to make compost and organic fertiliser. I grow taro, peanuts, ginger, chillies and spring onion. Guests come to buy from the family’s vegetable garden. Now me and my family are getting a consistent income to meet my family’s needs.”

“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Matthew 25:35

Gifts which support Good Health

Tearfund’s partners run a range of projects that promote good health for people living in poor and marginalised communities. This includes delivery of health services in the form of direct care or medicine, and health training in areas like midwifery, disability, or general health.

A birth announcement is often good news, but it can also carry fear and risk, especially in places where health care and birthing facilities are limited.

In Phongsaly, a mountainous region of northern Laos, Tearfund’s partner World Renew Laos is helping babies to enjoy a strong start to life. Community health volunteers, trained by World Renew, support young mothers like Hue Ja (pictured) with antenatal care, education on mother and child nutrition, and access to health facilities. With confidence and care, empowered women go on to actively encourage other expectant mothers with the knowledge and resources that have made a life-giving difference to their families.

Access to good nutrition and a safe and healthy environment in the early years of development make a vital difference. In a region that faces the highest infant and child mortality rates in the country, where every second child in the province is not meeting growth milestones, a thriving child really is good news.

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Gifts which support Safe Water and Sanitation

In a world where more than two billion people lack access to clean, safe water, something as seemingly simple as clean, accessible drinking water close to home can be truly transformational. Tearfund’s local Christian partners are working with communities to bring safe, clean water to thousands of people – and with it, renewed hope and health. These gifts give a family or community the gift of safe water and/or sanitation, and could contribute towards a new borehole or water system, or improved sanitation for a village. Many projects include training to ensure changes are sustainable and long-term.

In the village in Pakistan where Tulsi and his mother Mero live, a canal several kilometres away used to be the main source of water. And when the canal was emptied for maintenance once a month, people had to travel even further for water, or collect it from puddles and ponds, where the water was often polluted. To make matters worse, small children had to be left at home alone while
their mothers went to collect water.

Tearfund’s partner the Diocese of Hyderabad provided a hand pump to the village, and now it has a reliable source of safe water. Tulsi and Mero are very happy to have a water pump in their village now – it saves time, people are healthier and children are not left alone!

“I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.” Matthew 25:35


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