Mental Health Support
The impacts of poverty can threaten people’s mental health and wellbeing, but a network of support can make a vital difference. This gift connects people with mental illness and their families with trained support workers and access to psychiatric services.
How your gift helps
Pregnancy, childbirth and adjusting to motherhood can all be challenging. Supporting women’s mental health at these times, along with their physical health, is crucial. That’s why traditional birth attendants Premi and Ladoo (pictured) are being equipped by Tearfund’s partner SaCHA with mental health training which they can incorporate into antenatal visits. This holistic support from birth attendants can be a lifeline for women as they welcome a new baby into the world.
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has purchased a gift for you from Tearfund's Useful Gifts:
Mental Health Support
About this gift:
The impacts of poverty can threaten people’s mental health and wellbeing, but a network of support can make a vital difference. This gift connects people with mental illness and their families with trained support workers and access to psychiatric services. | More information.