Child Safety

Protecting children. This gift teaches parents and children about their rights, how to keep safe in their community and aims to help reduce the risk of human trafficking.
How your gift helps
For many people living on the Cambodia-Thai border, day-to-day life is risky and difficult. Most depend on family members crossing the border into Thailand every day, or seasonally, to trade or work. Children often accompany their parents in this activity, which puts them at high risk of trafficking and abuse.
This part of the Thai border is one of the most notorious for trafficking and child abuse - mainly due to the transient nature of the area, with many foreign tourists passing through, often to visit the number of casino hotels.
Here, TEAR's partner the Cambodian Hope Organisation (CHO) is working to reduce the vulnerability of children to trafficking through its Planting Seeds for the Future project.
The 'Planting Seeds' project involves a number of key activities designed to raise awareness with parents and children about the dangers of child trafficking. One main activity is the 'School on the Mat' - a non-traditional school designed for kids whose parents travel for work. As well as general education, CHO also builds awareness of trafficking and shares safety strategies with the children.
CHO also shares important anti-trafficking information with the community at children's day camps, which are run four times and attended by parents and kids, and other workshops. They also promote an anti-trafficking awareness campaign, which includes members of the local community as well as teachers and students.
The project also includes strategies to strengthen the families of vulnerable children, such as developing parents savings groups.
Your gift of child safety is contributing to projects like this one and making a difference in the lives of those facing poverty and marginalisation.
About our partner
Cambodian Hope Organisation (CHO) is a Christian NGO and TEAR partner based in Poipet on the border of Thailand. CHO's work is inspired by the Matthew 22:39 verse "Love your neighbour as yourself."
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Child Safety
About this gift:
Protecting children. This gift teaches parents and children about their rights, how to keep safe in their community and aims to help reduce the risk of human trafficking. | More information.