Hand Washing for Health

Disease can spread easily when basic hygiene supplies are lacking, but simple measures like effective hand washing can stop the spread of disease and keep people safe and healthy. Help provide communities with a hand washing station and hygiene education.
How your gift helps
With support from Tearfund’s Christian partners, communities around the world are being provided with water points, from simple hand washing stations to more established tap stands, to improve their hygiene and sanitation – and save lives.
As one woman in rural Pakistan shares, “We can wash our hands at critical times as we now have good access to hand washing facilities. The skills we learn will apply over our lifetime and will transfer to other relatives and communities. We can make a difference in our lives with these new skills and awareness… we understand that prevention is better than cure!”
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Hand Washing for Health
About this gift:
Disease can spread easily when basic hygiene supplies are lacking, but simple measures like effective hand washing can stop the spread of disease and keep people safe and healthy. Help provide communities with a hand washing station and hygiene education. | More information.