Gifts which support First Peoples of Australia
Give a gift that supports community development initiatives led by and in partnership with First Peoples of Australia.
Tearfund Australia has a vision for reconciliation, for a more just and compassionate world for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to achieve their God-given potential. Tearfund provides a platform for the voices of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners to be heard by the wider Australian community, and we mobilise Australian Christians to work towards a more just and equitable society.
Your gift to Tearfund’s work with the First Peoples of Australia contributes to:
- Supporting development work in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- Community health and youth projects that respond to the needs of First Peoples’ communities
- Supporting all Australian Christians to work towards reconciliation between First Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.
Artwork by Chris de Hoog, an artist with Indigenous heritage from Tasmania.
Gifts which support First Peoples of Australia